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Feel lost in "New normal"? You're not alone!

Due to the pandemic, we're forced to be anti-social, at least in physical way. Thus, lots of people feel awkward for any social interaction with another human. In the "New normal, we have to adapt and learn again how to sit in the same room with your classmates, or your colleagues. Everything seems so strange now.

"Crois en toi" in French means "Believe in Yourself"

We all experienced the loneliness and quarantine during covid-19 in different level and those two lead to many consequences to not only our body, but also our brain. When you're alone for too long, you start to lose the verbal ability and memory gradually. Also, people finds difficult to reintegrate, even with their family members or close friends. I bet that everyone at least one time feel scared to go out even though we're allowed to do it freely now. It's all about the isolation and depression affected our emotions and actions.

Do you know? A new normal is a state where our global economy and society have settled since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new normal is evolving as our world adjusts to COVID-19.

How we re-learn to socialise?

"It's time to get on with it, to learn to live with Covid" - Yes, everyone tells you this, however, it takes time to be able to return to the life before the pandemic. Why? Because we get used to with social distancing and mask, at least in Asia as we considered them as "normal life". I felt so weird to stay with people without mask on, or I just wave my hand as greeting, a hug is just too much. Don't need to be rushed, 2 years turned us to be anti-social people so obviously, we shouldn't expect a miracle in few days.

During this process, the most important thing is be patient and polite with yourself. Sometimes you will feel pressure or nervous to meet or talk with others, it's totally fine. Let it be and learn to deal with it little by little. Avoiding social situations will just cause more avoidance. So I highly suggest you shouldn't isolate yourself for too long, try to invite someone in or take courage to see your friends, and try to have small talk first if needed.

Moreover, to moderate the stress of isolation, you can attempt different activities, including physical activity like bicycling, social activity like an online workshop, cognitive activity like brain-training games, and emotional activity like therapy. I hope one of these could help you to overcome your fear of social interaction.

Remember, everything will be fine!

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